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This application will be processed on receipt of the R500 (Kindergarten) or R1000 (School) application fee made payable to “Michaelis Private School”.

EFT Payment :

Please e-mail a copy of the internet banking receipt to

For all electronic transfers, please make use of your surname and year of entry into Michaelis as your reference eg ‘Nel2025’

Banking Details:
Michaelis Private School
Vryheid Branch
Branch Code: 270524 
Account: 541 740 08 242

SnapScan Payment :

Please forward a copy of your SnapScan receipt to

Please scan the SnapScan code below to make payment.





Michaelis Private School is a private educational institution, governed by a constitutionally elected Board. The School addresses the formal educational needs of Christian families.

A child’s education is ultimately the responsibility of the parents. The school exists to assist the parents with this task. We believe that optimal development occurs when the family, church and school work together towards the wellbeing of the child. We endeavour at all times to provide a Christian school environment. Our aim is to promote and foster the English and German language within the South African context.


Criteria for Admission:


  1. Michaelis is a Christian School and all children are expected to participate in the activities, which make up the Christian curriculum.

  2. Michaelis Private School will maintain its German identity. All pupils will therefore be expected to take German as a compulsory extra subject. English being the main medium of education.

  3. The applicant must be six years of age when starting school.

  4. The Code of Conduct is to be signed by both parent/guardian and child. 

  5. The pupils name must be on the waiting list (see point 1 below)

  6. The Applicant must be assessed by the school (see point 2 below)

  7. An Application fee of R 500.00 is charged when a child is registered for admission for Kindergarten and R 1000.00 is charged when a child is registered for admission for Grade 1-7. (See point 3 below)

  8. Kindergarten Fees must be up to date in order for a child to enter Grade 1 at Michaelis Private School. (if applicable)

  9. Parents are expected to play an active role in organizing and participating in fundraisers and    cultural activities. . School Events (Michaelis Challenge, Oktoberfest & Easter Sale) form an integral part of the school to keep our school fees affordable. Although involvement is voluntary, we encourage ALL parents to play an active role in the organization thereof.

  10. The Head shall have the discretion to admit learners, subject to the provisions of this policy. The absence or presence of any of the factors above does not mean that a learner will be refused or guaranteed admission to the School.

  11. Once your child’s application is successful, you will be notified and given a Parent Contract to

      complete.  Only once the proof of payment of the admission fee and the correctly completed

      Parent Contract have been received, the school will be able to formally confirm placement.


Please note: Due to the limited number of places in the school, adherence to the above-mentioned criteria does not necessarily guarantee each applicant a place in the school.


Explanations Re: Criteria


1.     Waiting List

 Michaelis Private School can currently admit 24 pupils per grade from Grade RR to Grade 7

The school will therefore work on a waiting list principle, whereby applicants who have applied and

fulfilled all other criteria will be admitted according to the order in which they appear on the waiting


 Priority on the waiting list will be given to children who:

·         Belong to the “Evangelische Lutherische Kirche”

·         Michaelis Kindergarten students will get a preference.

·         Children who have siblings at the school already.

2.     Assessment

Applicants in all grades will be thoroughly assessed. 

·         Children entering Grade 1 will be assessed by an external therapist.

·         Grade 2 – 7 will undergo an interview with the Head as well as an age appropriate assessment consisting of English and Mathematics.

If it is visible after the assessment that the child will not cope in the grade that they are applying for, they will have the opportunity to re-apply for the lower grade, subject to availability of space and age.


The Application form is to be accompanied by:


  1. Application Fee R 500.00 for Kindergarten R 1000.00 for School (covers admin fee and assessment) non -refundable

  2. Unabridged Birth certificate

  3. Passport-style photograph of applicant

  4. A copy of your Child’s immunization card

  5. ID copies of both parents

  6. ID copy of person responsible for account

  7. Proof of address for person responsible for account

  8. Two of the most recent school reports from the current school (if applicable)

  9. Proof of grades passed/completed if home-schooled (if applicable)

  10. Reports from therapists, etc. (if applicable)

  11. Copy of passport for student not born in South Africa. (if applicable)

  12. Copy of student’s permanent residency/study permit. (if applicable)

  13. A transfer card from the current school (if applicable)

  14. A financial clearance certificate from the previous school.

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  Michaelis Private School.  All rights reserved

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